
Cato Poll Herd wins best in South West

Cato Poll Herefords has won the regional finals for the best Hereford Herd in the South West.

The National Hereford Herd of the Year Competition runs every other year, and a herd is selected from eight areas of the UK including: Midlands & East Anglia, South of England, North of England, South West of England, Northern Ireland, Wales, Scotland and West Midlands.  Based in Stogumber, West Somerset, Cato Poll Herefords was selected by regional associations as best herd in the South West of England.

The national title will be judged by Mr George Thorne, Studdolph Herefords, a previous winner of the award.

“We are of course extremely proud to have been selected as the winner of the South West prize for Herd of the Year, having bred Herefords in Somerset for 22 years. We look forward to finding out the results of the national competition later this year,” said Jonathan Moorhouse, owner of the Cato Poll Herefords herd.

The winner of National Hereford Herd of the Year will be announced on 1 October 2016.